about us

Wellington Milsim Airsoft (W.M.A) is a New Zealand airsoft club based in the capital city of Wellington (Lower North Island). Established in 2013, the founders of W.M.A sought to form a new and unique club that would change the current 'norm' of airsoft at the time. As a non-profit club, W.M.A has raised almost $70,000 for the New Zealand Child Cancer Foundation and continues to grow recently hitting near to 70 permanent members.
We are primarily focused on Milsim gaming. Most of our games will revolve around objectives rather than continuous engagements. We also run skirmish games and are looking to resume our CQB games as we re-establish an indoor field. W.M.A Plays all year round, often in rain or shine at either of our two fields. You may also see us at a game elsewhere in New Zeland, as we often travel to inter-club competitions and games.

THE 2024 committee

Josh Lloyd

Billy McGlinchy

Jason Warnock

committee member
Taylor McSweeney-Bigg

Luna Doole

Mikaela Burton
committee member

Committee member

committee member

Karris Fleming
committee member
How old do I need to be?To play with WMA, you need to be 16 with a Firearms License or 18 and above.
When do you host games?We often play fortnightly on Sundays, however sometimes hold specific events on saturdays or over the weekend. Check our events page to find out whats currently planned.
Do you have loan equipment?Yes, loan equipment is posted per event and is by a first come-first served basis. Our loan fee's are always listed on the event. Limited quanitities of 'Loan Gun Ticket's' will be available in the purchase section (Service fee applies). Please check the event page of which you would like to loan equipment to reserve some.
How can I become a club member?If you'd like to become a member, that's great! Check out our JOIN US page for more information on the process, which we have just made easier! Follow the path to membership and once approved, you will be invited to begin membership at which time you will need to make payment through the websites 'Plans & Pricing' section and purchase an annual membership. Don't try to access this before you've been approved though, it wont work.
Can I bring a mate?Of course you can! We are always keen to have new players join and get involved with the sport. Make sure they sign up for an account on the website and get familiarised with our rules, terms and conditions.
What should I bring to play?The most important thing to bring is eye protection. Any NZ rated safety glasses are okay, if theyre sold at your local hardware store - they'll be okay! Eye protection is available if you lose yours, or for people using loan guns. Wear weather-appropriate clothing (camo if you want!) and a pair of good shoes. We reccommend boots with ankle protection. Bring food and water. Events will not provide this unless listed and the DPG field does not have running water. Do NOT wear red clothing. At our events, RED is DEAD. Players donning a red rag or clothing are either 'hit' and 'out' or staff/marshals. If you wear red clothing you will not be able to play until you change. Lots of our regular players and members have lots of interesting gear and camo, please dont be intimidated by this. A simple hoodie is fine! A friendly reminder to please store and transport your gear securely and privately. Please do not wear your camo in public.
How much does it cost to play?Most events will be priced as stated below, however some special game types may have an increased cost. All ticket prices will be listed per-event. $20 per game day ($10 for club members). $15 Airsoft M4 rifle rental for the day with 300 bb's. (One Hi-Cap)
How much is WMA club membership?Membership costs $50 per year. We operate on the financial year cycle, so as the year progresses our membership fees go down. When you sign up you get a WMA patch for free! You don’t have to join WMA to play, however we offer free club-guns to members as well as a discounted price on games. WMA member's can also be sponsored by the committee for importing/shipping airsoft replicas! As a member, you'll get special access to our online-trading zone and private facebook community.